Project for the mobility enhancement for PwD > Resources

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Project for the mobility enhancement for PwD


Automatic doors, hand railed ramps, braille blocks, & height adjustable sinks will be installed, 

so that PwD can visit facilities safely and conveniently to participate in full social activities and self-reliance training.

In 2016, 98% of the respondents were satisfied with the improvement of the facility 

through the survey on the satisfaction of the facilities for PwD. 

Over the past 11 years, this project has supported the improvement of facilities for PwD in 1,088 relatied facilities. 

Resources 목록

Korea Differently Abled Federation   |   Address : (07236) 4Floor, E-ROOM Building, 22, Uisadang-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-783-0067   |   Fax : +82-2-783-0069   |   Email :
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